02. Lesson Overview

Lesson Overview C++


The classroom has embedded spaces where you can write and execute your C++ code directly in your browser; however, you may find it helpful to write C++ code on your own computer for this lesson (and not in the browser).

Here are some suggested programs for writing and executing your code locally:

  • Sublime Text as a general text editor
  • Download an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Xcode (Mac only), Visual Studio or any other IDE.

Detailed Setup Instructions

Big thanks to Michael Ikemann! Michael is a student in this Nanodegree and put together some exceptionally detailed documentation to help you get started with C++.

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Python C++ Cheatsheet

We are providing you with a cheatsheet showing you Python syntax and the C++ equivalent. You might find this cheatsheet helpful as you learn to program in C++. You'll find that some of the syntax between Python and C++ is exactly the same or at least similar.